Produkte zum Begriff Springer Spaniel:
JEKCA Bricks English Springer Spaniel 01-M01 ST19PT42-M01
JEKCA Bricks English Springer Spaniel 01-M01 ST19PT42-M01
Preis: 50.95 € | Versand*: 4.90 € -
JEKCA Bricks English Springer Spaniel 01-M02 ST19PT42-M02
JEKCA Bricks English Springer Spaniel 01-M02 ST19PT42-M02
Preis: 50.95 € | Versand*: 4.90 € -
JEKCA Bricks English Springer Spaniel 01-M03 ST19PT42-M03
JEKCA Bricks English Springer Spaniel 01-M03 ST19PT42-M03
Preis: 50.95 € | Versand*: 4.90 € -
Welsh Springer Spaniel, Welsh Springer, Welsh Starter - Gilded key ring with dog, handbag decoration, luxury accessory by Art-Dog brand
Welsh Springer Spaniel, Welsh Springer, Welsh Starter - Gilded key ring with dog, handbag decoration, luxury accessory by Art-Dog brand Here is a unique key ring, created in Poland by a talented artist. It is made of high quality materials and its gold-plated finish gives it a luxurious feel. Equipped with a convenient clasp, it guarantees hassle-free installation and removal of your keys. However, its functionality doesn't end there - thanks to its unique design, it can also serve as a charming decoration for a handbag or backpack, adding elegance and unique style to them. This key fob is not only a practical gadget, but also a unique decoration that always catches the eye of dog lovers.Our key rings are sure to bring a lot of joy to doggie owners. They are ideal as a unique birthday gift, name day gift, and for dozens of other occasions such as a dog show or the adoption of a new pooch. Our key rings are also available in other variants and in decorative boxes. Check out our other offers for more information. Dimensions: check the dimensions in one of the attached photos.Material: Zinc and aluminium alloy (ZnAl), plated with gold. The product is subjected to a patination process. The Welsh Springer Spaniel, a medium-sized, energetic breed, stands 17 to 19 inches tall, known for its striking red and white coat. This breed is affectionate, loyal, and somewhat more reserved than other spaniels. Welsh Springers were originally bred for hunting and have a strong desire to be with their human companions, thriving on attention and interaction. Their beautiful, slightly wavy coat requires regular grooming to keep it in prime condition. They are intelligent and trainable but respond best to positive reinforcement techniques. Welsh Springers are excellent with children and get along well with other dogs, making them a wonderful addition to any family. They require regular exercise to satisfy their energetic nature and prevent boredom. Discover our exclusive collection of premium dog-themed products, designed to capture the essence of your beloved pets. Our catalog features an array of beautifully handcrafted dog figurines, stylish dog keychains, and elegant dog necklaces, all set on luxurious wooden or marble bases for an added touch of sophistication. Our unique hanging dog statues and customizable dog urns are perfect for those seeking a special way to remember their furry friends. Our specialty Big Head dog statues are expertly crafted to highlight the individual traits and personalities of different dog breeds, making them perfect additions to any collector's display or as thoughtful gifts for dog lovers. These statues are not just decor but a celebration of the canine spirit. Each piece in our collection is made with superior craftsmanship and high-quality materials, ensuring that you receive a product that stands the test of time. Our dog-themed accessories, including personalized dog items, are ideal for enhancing your home's decor or for gifting to those who cherish their pets. Shop with us today and find the ultimate expression of canine admiration through our select dog sculptures, keychains, and more, all curated to offer you the best in dog-themed luxury. Discover our exquisitely handcrafted canine-themed assortment, where each artifact is shaped with unmatched artistry. Our skilled craftsmen begin by hand-picking superior materials that best convey the robust yet graceful nature of various dog breeds. Our collection includes meticulously sculpted dog statuettes, bespoke dog-themed key holders, and elegant dog-inspired pendants, ensuring that each detail of the breed's distinctive features is captured with precision. The artistry extends beyond sculpting, as each piece is individually hand-painted or treated to bring out the true colors and textures of the breed’s coat, enhancing the realism and individuality of each figure. Special attention is given to the eyes and facial expressions, capturing the essence and spirit of each dog breed. Perfect for dog aficionados or as a unique addition to any home, these pieces serve not only as decorative elements but also as expressions of personal style and affection for man’s best friend. Each item from our collection represents a celebration of the diversity and charm of dogs, crafted to be cherished and admired for years to come.
Preis: 62.79 CHF | Versand*: 0.0 CHF
Welsh Springer Spaniel vs English Springer Spaniel
Der Welsh Springer Spaniel und der English Springer Spaniel sind zwei verschiedene Rassen von Spaniels. Der Welsh Springer Spaniel stammt aus Wales und ist etwas kleiner und kompakter als der English Springer Spaniel. Der English Springer Spaniel ist größer und hat ein längeres Fell. Beide Rassen sind intelligent, freundlich und aktiv, eignen sich gut als Familienhunde und benötigen regelmäßige Bewegung und mentale Stimulation.
Was kostet ein englischer Springer Spaniel?
Der Preis für einen englischen Springer Spaniel kann je nach Züchter, Stammbaum, Gesundheitszustand und Standort variieren. In der Regel liegt der Preis für einen Welpen zwischen 800 und 1500 Euro. Es ist jedoch wichtig, dass man nicht nur den Preis, sondern auch die Seriosität des Züchters und die Gesundheit des Welpen berücksichtigt.
Kann ich meinen Englisch Springer Spaniel draußen halten?
Es ist nicht empfehlenswert, einen Englisch Springer Spaniel dauerhaft draußen zu halten. Diese Rasse ist sehr menschenbezogen und braucht viel Aufmerksamkeit und soziale Interaktion. Sie sind auch anfällig für Kälte und Hitze, daher ist es am besten, sie im Haus zu halten und ihnen regelmäßigen Zugang zu einem eingezäunten Garten zu geben.
Was sind geeignete Beschäftigungsmöglichkeiten für einen Springer Spaniel?
Springer Spaniels sind energiegeladene Hunde, die viel Bewegung und mentale Stimulation benötigen. Geeignete Beschäftigungsmöglichkeiten für sie sind zum Beispiel lange Spaziergänge, Joggen, Apportierspiele, Hundesportarten wie Agility oder Flyball, sowie das Erlernen neuer Tricks und Aufgaben. Es ist wichtig, dass sie körperlich und geistig ausgelastet sind, um unerwünschtes Verhalten zu vermeiden.
Ähnliche Suchbegriffe für Springer Spaniel:
Welsh Springer Spaniel, Welsh Springer, Welsh Starter - Versilberter Schlüsselanhänger mit Hund, Handtaschen-Deko, Rucksack-Anhänger der Marke Art-Dog silber
Welsh Springer Spaniel, Welsh Springer, Welsh Starter - Versilberter Schlüsselanhänger mit Hund, Handtaschen-Deko, Rucksack-Anhänger der Marke Art-Dog Unsere hochwertigen Anhänger werden von einem englischen Künstler von Hand gefertigt. Sie zeichnen sich durch äußerste Präzision der Verarbeitung und Liebe zum Detail aus, um die charakteristischen Merkmale der Rasse originalgetreu wiederzugeben.. Für die Herstellung verwenden wir eine hochwertige Zink- und Aluminiumlegierung, die unsere Produkte langlebig und widerstandsfähig gegen Beschädigungen macht.. Sie werden jahrelang Freude daran haben. Unsere Schlüsselanhänger sind mit einer Silberschicht überzogen, was sie auch zu einer originellen Dekoration macht, die sowohl an einem Schlüsselbund als auch am Schloss einer Handtasche oder eines Rucksacks befestigt werden kann.. Der praktische und langlebige Verschluss sorgt dafür, dass sie sich nicht von selbst lösen. Unsere Schlüsselanhänger bereiten Hundebesitzern bestimmt viel Freude. Sie eignen sich ideal als Geburtstags- oder Namenstagsgeschenk und für Dutzende anderer Anlässe wie eine Hundeausstellung oder die Adoption eines neuen Hundes.. Unsere Schlüsselanhänger gibt es auch in anderen Varianten und in dekorativen Boxen. Weitere Informationen finden Sie in unseren anderen Angeboten.. Maße: Überprüfen Sie die Abmessungen auf einem der beigefügten Fotos. Material: Zink- und Aluminiumlegierung (ZnAl), versilbert. Das Produkt wird einem Patinierungsprozess unterzogen. Der Welsh Springer Spaniel ist eine mittelgroße, energische Rasse mit einer Größe von 17 bis 19 Zoll und ist für sein auffälliges rot-weißes Fell bekannt.. Diese Rasse ist anhänglich, treu und etwas zurückhaltender als andere Spaniels. Welsh Springer wurden ursprünglich für die Jagd gezüchtet und haben ein starkes Verlangen, mit ihren menschlichen Begleitern zusammen zu sein. Sie leben von Aufmerksamkeit und Interaktion.. Ihr schönes, leicht gewelltes Fell erfordert regelmäßige Pflege, um es in Topform zu halten. Sie sind intelligent und trainierbar, reagieren aber am besten auf positive Verstärkungstechniken. Welsh Springer sind ausgezeichnete Kinder- und Hundebesitzer und verstehen sich gut mit anderen Hunden. Sie sind daher eine wunderbare Ergänzung für jede Familie.. Sie benötigen regelmäßige Bewegung, um ihre Energie zu befriedigen und Langeweile vorzubeugen. Entdecken Sie unsere exklusive Kollektion hochwertiger Produkte mit Hundemotiven, die das Wesen Ihrer geliebten Haustiere einfangen.. Unser Katalog umfasst eine Reihe wunderschön handgefertigter Hundefiguren, stilvoller Hundeschlüsselanhänger und eleganter Hundehalsketten, alle auf luxuriösen Holz- oder Marmorsockeln für einen zusätzlichen Hauch von Raffinesse.. Unsere einzigartigen hängenden Hundestatuen und personalisierbaren Hundeurnen sind perfekt für diejenigen, die nach einer besonderen Möglichkeit suchen, sich an ihre pelzigen Freunde zu erinnern. Unsere speziellen Big Head-Hundestatuen werden fachmännisch gefertigt, um die individuellen Merkmale und Persönlichkeiten verschiedener Hunderassen hervorzuheben. Damit sind sie die perfekte Ergänzung für jede Sammlerausstellung oder ein aufmerksames Geschenk für Hundeliebhaber.. Diese Statuen sind nicht nur Dekoration, sondern eine Hommage an den Geist des Hundes. Jedes Stück unserer Kollektion wird mit hervorragender Handwerkskunst und hochwertigen Materialien hergestellt, sodass Sie ein Produkt erhalten, das den Test der Zeit besteht. Unsere Accessoires mit Hundemotiven, darunter auch personalisierte Hundeartikel, sind ideal, um die Einrichtung Ihres Zuhauses zu verschönern oder als Geschenk für diejenigen, die ihre Haustiere schätzen.. Kaufen Sie noch heute bei uns ein und finden Sie den ultimativen Ausdruck der Hundebewunderung durch unsere ausgewählten Hundeskulpturen, Schlüsselanhänger und mehr, die alle zusammengestellt wurden, um Ihnen den besten Luxus mit Hundemotiven zu bieten. Entdecken Sie unser exquisites handgefertigtes Hunde-Sortiment, bei dem jedes Artefakt mit unübertroffener Kunstfertigkeit geformt ist. Unsere erfahrenen Handwerker wählen zunächst hochwertige Materialien aus, die den robusten und doch anmutigen Charakter verschiedener Hunderassen am besten zum Ausdruck bringen.. Unsere Kollektion umfasst sorgfältig geformte Hundestatuetten, maßgeschneiderte Schlüsselanhänger mit Hundemotiven und elegante, von Hunden inspirierte Anhänger, die sicherstellen, dass jedes Detail der charakteristischen Merkmale der Rasse präzise erfasst wird.. Die Kunstfertigkeit geht über die Bildhauerei hinaus, da jedes Stück einzeln von Hand bemalt oder behandelt wird, um die wahren Farben und Texturen des Fells der Rasse hervorzuheben und den Realismus und die Individualität jeder Figur zu verstärken.. Besonderes Augenmerk wird auf die Augen und Gesichtsausdrücke gelegt, um das Wesen und den Geist jeder Hunderasse einzufangen. Perfekt für Hundeliebhaber oder als einzigartige Ergänzung für jedes Zuhause. Diese Stücke dienen nicht nur als dekorative Elemente, sondern auch als Ausdruck des persönlichen Stils und der Zuneigung für den besten Freund des Menschen.. Jeder Artikel aus unserer Kollektion ist eine Hommage an die Vielfalt und den Charme von Hunden und wurde gefertigt, um über Jahre hinweg geschätzt und bewundert zu werden.
Preis: 15.79 CHF | Versand*: 0.0 CHF -
Welsh Springer Spaniel, Welsh Springer, Welsh Starter - Silver-plated dog pendant, handbag decoration, backpack pendant by Art-Dog brand silber
Welsh Springer Spaniel, Welsh Springer, Welsh Starter - Silver-plated dog pendant, handbag decoration, backpack pendant by Art-Dog brand This key ring in the form of an adorable dog's snout is the perfect accessory for any four-legged lover. Made in Poland with attention to the highest quality, it ensures durability and reliability for years to come. It has a classic key ring, allowing for easy attachment of the keys. This method of attachment also guarantees that the pendant will not detach by itself. The keyrings are designed and made by a Polish artist who took care to reproduce the characteristic features of the breed. The silver-plated metal pendant adds elegance and style, being not only a practical but also an aesthetic addition to your keys. It can also boldly serve as a decoration for your bag or backpack.Our key rings are sure to bring a lot of joy to doggie owners. They are perfect as birthday or name day gifts, and for dozens of other occasions such as a dog show or the adoption of a new dog. Our key rings are also available in other variants and in decorative boxes. Check out our other offers for more information. Dimensions: check the dimensions in one of the attached photos.Material: Zinc and aluminium alloy (ZnAl), silver plated. The product is subjected to a patination process. The Welsh Springer Spaniel, a medium-sized, energetic breed, stands 17 to 19 inches tall, known for its striking red and white coat. This breed is affectionate, loyal, and somewhat more reserved than other spaniels. Welsh Springers were originally bred for hunting and have a strong desire to be with their human companions, thriving on attention and interaction. Their beautiful, slightly wavy coat requires regular grooming to keep it in prime condition. They are intelligent and trainable but respond best to positive reinforcement techniques. Welsh Springers are excellent with children and get along well with other dogs, making them a wonderful addition to any family. They require regular exercise to satisfy their energetic nature and prevent boredom. Discover our exclusive collection of premium dog-themed products, designed to capture the essence of your beloved pets. Our catalog features an array of beautifully handcrafted dog figurines, stylish dog keychains, and elegant dog necklaces, all set on luxurious wooden or marble bases for an added touch of sophistication. Our unique hanging dog statues and customizable dog urns are perfect for those seeking a special way to remember their furry friends. Our specialty Big Head dog statues are expertly crafted to highlight the individual traits and personalities of different dog breeds, making them perfect additions to any collector's display or as thoughtful gifts for dog lovers. These statues are not just decor but a celebration of the canine spirit. Each piece in our collection is made with superior craftsmanship and high-quality materials, ensuring that you receive a product that stands the test of time. Our dog-themed accessories, including personalized dog items, are ideal for enhancing your home's decor or for gifting to those who cherish their pets. Shop with us today and find the ultimate expression of canine admiration through our select dog sculptures, keychains, and more, all curated to offer you the best in dog-themed luxury. Discover our exquisitely handcrafted canine-themed assortment, where each artifact is shaped with unmatched artistry. Our skilled craftsmen begin by hand-picking superior materials that best convey the robust yet graceful nature of various dog breeds. Our collection includes meticulously sculpted dog statuettes, bespoke dog-themed key holders, and elegant dog-inspired pendants, ensuring that each detail of the breed's distinctive features is captured with precision. The artistry extends beyond sculpting, as each piece is individually hand-painted or treated to bring out the true colors and textures of the breed’s coat, enhancing the realism and individuality of each figure. Special attention is given to the eyes and facial expressions, capturing the essence and spirit of each dog breed. Perfect for dog aficionados or as a unique addition to any home, these pieces serve not only as decorative elements but also as expressions of personal style and affection for man’s best friend. Each item from our collection represents a celebration of the diversity and charm of dogs, crafted to be cherished and admired for years to come. Color: silver
Preis: 15.29 CHF | Versand*: 0.0 CHF -
Welsh Springer Spaniel, Welsh Springer, Welsh Starter - Gilded key ring with dog, handbag decoration, luxury accessory by Art-Dog brand
Welsh Springer Spaniel, Welsh Springer, Welsh Starter - Gilded key ring with dog, handbag decoration, luxury accessory by Art-Dog brand Here is a unique key ring, created in Poland by a talented artist. It is made of high quality materials and its gold-plated finish gives it a luxurious feel. Equipped with a convenient clasp, it guarantees hassle-free installation and removal of your keys. However, its functionality doesn't end there - thanks to its unique design, it can also serve as a charming decoration for a handbag or backpack, adding elegance and unique style to them. This key fob is not only a practical gadget, but also a unique decoration that always catches the eye of dog lovers.Our key rings are sure to bring a lot of joy to doggie owners. They are ideal as a unique birthday gift, name day gift, and for dozens of other occasions such as a dog show or the adoption of a new pooch. Our key rings are also available in other variants and in decorative boxes. Check out our other offers for more information. Dimensions: check the dimensions in one of the attached photos.Material: Zinc and aluminium alloy (ZnAl), plated with gold. The product is subjected to a patination process. The Welsh Springer Spaniel, a medium-sized, energetic breed, stands 17 to 19 inches tall, known for its striking red and white coat. This breed is affectionate, loyal, and somewhat more reserved than other spaniels. Welsh Springers were originally bred for hunting and have a strong desire to be with their human companions, thriving on attention and interaction. Their beautiful, slightly wavy coat requires regular grooming to keep it in prime condition. They are intelligent and trainable but respond best to positive reinforcement techniques. Welsh Springers are excellent with children and get along well with other dogs, making them a wonderful addition to any family. They require regular exercise to satisfy their energetic nature and prevent boredom. Discover our exclusive collection of premium dog-themed products, designed to capture the essence of your beloved pets. Our catalog features an array of beautifully handcrafted dog figurines, stylish dog keychains, and elegant dog necklaces, all set on luxurious wooden or marble bases for an added touch of sophistication. Our unique hanging dog statues and customizable dog urns are perfect for those seeking a special way to remember their furry friends. Our specialty Big Head dog statues are expertly crafted to highlight the individual traits and personalities of different dog breeds, making them perfect additions to any collector's display or as thoughtful gifts for dog lovers. These statues are not just decor but a celebration of the canine spirit. Each piece in our collection is made with superior craftsmanship and high-quality materials, ensuring that you receive a product that stands the test of time. Our dog-themed accessories, including personalized dog items, are ideal for enhancing your home's decor or for gifting to those who cherish their pets. Shop with us today and find the ultimate expression of canine admiration through our select dog sculptures, keychains, and more, all curated to offer you the best in dog-themed luxury. Discover our exquisitely handcrafted canine-themed assortment, where each artifact is shaped with unmatched artistry. Our skilled craftsmen begin by hand-picking superior materials that best convey the robust yet graceful nature of various dog breeds. Our collection includes meticulously sculpted dog statuettes, bespoke dog-themed key holders, and elegant dog-inspired pendants, ensuring that each detail of the breed's distinctive features is captured with precision. The artistry extends beyond sculpting, as each piece is individually hand-painted or treated to bring out the true colors and textures of the breed’s coat, enhancing the realism and individuality of each figure. Special attention is given to the eyes and facial expressions, capturing the essence and spirit of each dog breed. Perfect for dog aficionados or as a unique addition to any home, these pieces serve not only as decorative elements but also as expressions of personal style and affection for man’s best friend. Each item from our collection represents a celebration of the diversity and charm of dogs, crafted to be cherished and admired for years to come.
Preis: 62.79 CHF | Versand*: 0.0 CHF -
Welsh Springer Spaniel, Welsh Springer, Welsh Starter - Silver-plated dog pendant, handbag decoration, backpack pendant by Art-Dog brand argenté
Welsh Springer Spaniel, Welsh Springer, Welsh Starter - Silver-plated dog pendant, handbag decoration, backpack pendant by Art-Dog brand This key ring in the form of an adorable dog's snout is the perfect accessory for any four-legged lover. Made in Poland with attention to the highest quality, it ensures durability and reliability for years to come. It has a classic key ring, allowing for easy attachment of the keys. This method of attachment also guarantees that the pendant will not detach by itself. The keyrings are designed and made by a Polish artist who took care to reproduce the characteristic features of the breed. The silver-plated metal pendant adds elegance and style, being not only a practical but also an aesthetic addition to your keys. It can also boldly serve as a decoration for your bag or backpack.Our key rings are sure to bring a lot of joy to doggie owners. They are perfect as birthday or name day gifts, and for dozens of other occasions such as a dog show or the adoption of a new dog. Our key rings are also available in other variants and in decorative boxes. Check out our other offers for more information. Dimensions: check the dimensions in one of the attached photos.Material: Zinc and aluminium alloy (ZnAl), silver plated. The product is subjected to a patination process. The Welsh Springer Spaniel, a medium-sized, energetic breed, stands 17 to 19 inches tall, known for its striking red and white coat. This breed is affectionate, loyal, and somewhat more reserved than other spaniels. Welsh Springers were originally bred for hunting and have a strong desire to be with their human companions, thriving on attention and interaction. Their beautiful, slightly wavy coat requires regular grooming to keep it in prime condition. They are intelligent and trainable but respond best to positive reinforcement techniques. Welsh Springers are excellent with children and get along well with other dogs, making them a wonderful addition to any family. They require regular exercise to satisfy their energetic nature and prevent boredom. Discover our exclusive collection of premium dog-themed products, designed to capture the essence of your beloved pets. Our catalog features an array of beautifully handcrafted dog figurines, stylish dog keychains, and elegant dog necklaces, all set on luxurious wooden or marble bases for an added touch of sophistication. Our unique hanging dog statues and customizable dog urns are perfect for those seeking a special way to remember their furry friends. Our specialty Big Head dog statues are expertly crafted to highlight the individual traits and personalities of different dog breeds, making them perfect additions to any collector's display or as thoughtful gifts for dog lovers. These statues are not just decor but a celebration of the canine spirit. Each piece in our collection is made with superior craftsmanship and high-quality materials, ensuring that you receive a product that stands the test of time. Our dog-themed accessories, including personalized dog items, are ideal for enhancing your home's decor or for gifting to those who cherish their pets. Shop with us today and find the ultimate expression of canine admiration through our select dog sculptures, keychains, and more, all curated to offer you the best in dog-themed luxury. Discover our exquisitely handcrafted canine-themed assortment, where each artifact is shaped with unmatched artistry. Our skilled craftsmen begin by hand-picking superior materials that best convey the robust yet graceful nature of various dog breeds. Our collection includes meticulously sculpted dog statuettes, bespoke dog-themed key holders, and elegant dog-inspired pendants, ensuring that each detail of the breed's distinctive features is captured with precision. The artistry extends beyond sculpting, as each piece is individually hand-painted or treated to bring out the true colors and textures of the breed’s coat, enhancing the realism and individuality of each figure. Special attention is given to the eyes and facial expressions, capturing the essence and spirit of each dog breed. Perfect for dog aficionados or as a unique addition to any home, these pieces serve not only as decorative elements but also as expressions of personal style and affection for man’s best friend. Each item from our collection represents a celebration of the diversity and charm of dogs, crafted to be cherished and admired for years to come. Color: silver
Preis: 15.29 CHF | Versand*: 0.0 CHF
Axel Springer Tochterunternehmen
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Cocker Spaniel Arten
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Was macht Axel Springer?
Axel Springer ist ein deutsches Medienunternehmen, das sich auf digitale Medien und Printmedien spezialisiert hat. Das Unternehmen betreibt zahlreiche bekannte Medienmarken wie Bild, Die Welt und Business Insider. Axel Springer ist auch international tätig und hat Beteiligungen an verschiedenen Medienunternehmen weltweit. Zudem engagiert sich das Unternehmen in der Entwicklung von digitalen Geschäftsmodellen und investiert in Start-ups im Bereich der Medien- und Technologiebranche. Insgesamt ist Axel Springer ein bedeutender Player im Bereich der Medienbranche und treibt die digitale Transformation voran.
Wo wohnt Friede Springer?
Friede Springer wohnt in Berlin, Deutschland. Sie lebt in einer luxuriösen Villa im exklusiven Stadtteil Grunewald. Die Villa verfügt über einen großen Garten und bietet viel Privatsphäre. Friede Springer genießt es, in dieser ruhigen und eleganten Umgebung zu leben, fernab vom Trubel der Stadt. Ihre Nachbarn sind ebenfalls wohlhabende Persönlichkeiten und Prominente.
* Alle Preise verstehen sich inklusive der gesetzlichen Mehrwertsteuer und ggf. zuzüglich Versandkosten. Die Angebotsinformationen basieren auf den Angaben des jeweiligen Shops und werden über automatisierte Prozesse aktualisiert. Eine Aktualisierung in Echtzeit findet nicht statt, so dass es im Einzelfall zu Abweichungen kommen kann.